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heir plight but do little to relieve it。 Why should anybody care about children of no consequence? They do not even have a vote!

It will take more than a public outcry to change the way decision…makers feel about those wretches whose welfare depends on them。

A Connemara hotelier wrote a furious letter to the County Manager plaining that; in his area; renowned for outstanding natural beauty; major road repairs were consistently carried out in the height of the tourist season。 If this wasn’t sabotage; he growled; it was an example of extreme professional insensitivity。

The County Engineer replied; politely and regretfully; explaining that; given the Irish climate;they had no option but to repair the roads in summer; as otherwise the tar wouldn’t set。

The hotel owner laughed when he told the story。 “Years of anger and frustration – and all due to my own ignorance!”

I was reminded of a man I knew; whose childhood had been overshadowed by the fact that; aged eight; he had been dispatched to relatives in the country; while his mother underwent treatment for cancer。 To spare the boy; nothing was said about the cause for his removal。

He suffered through many weeks; assuming that he must have done something terrible to forfeit the right to his home and to his parents’ love。 Even after he grew up and got his facts straight; the feeling of rejection persisted。

It’s staggering to think that; even as we speak; countless lives and relationships are being ruined by virulent; destructive feelings generated by pure misconceptions。

Feelings 感觉(3)

If only everyone ensured that they were properly informed before allowing a feeling to take root; the world wouldn’t be full of fools barking up the wrong tree!

The door…bell

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